Why is the Premier League star facing rape and assault claims still allowed to play? Women’s Aid question his club’s policies and say they are ‘complicit in minimising’ violence against women
- The player has previously been accused of rapes from June 2022 and April 2021
- A third allegation came to light on Thursday from February 2022
- Player continuing for his club could risk ‘minimising violence against women’
A Premier League footballer who travelled with his international side to play in the 2022 World Cup in Qatar is still playing with his club despite previously being accused of raping two women and recently having a third sexual assault allegation brought against him.
Today, legal experts and women’s groups including Women’s Aid are querying why the first-team player is still playing for his club.
The player was initially accused of raping two women from June 2022 and April 2021 but on Thursday, news broke that a third alleged victim came forward reporting being sexually assaulted in Hertfordshire in February 2022.
The player was under caution at the police station after spending hours being questioned over this latest allegation.
Neither the player nor the club can be named for legal reasons.
A Premier League footballer is still playing with his club despite previously being accused of raping two women and having a third sexual assault allegation brought against him
Speaking to the the Mirror, Adam Pavey, a partner in the Beyond Corporate legal firm said that ‘suspension was the act of the employer’.
‘You are not saying whether they have done anything or not. You are still innocent until proven guilty. But you have your female employees to consider, and that may involve a women’s team as well.’
Pavey said he was ‘amazed’ that the player was still active for his club.
Teresa Parker, head of media relations for Women’s Aid, a charity working to end domestic violence, said that she believes that the action risked ‘minimising’ violence against women.
‘As a club, lacking clear guidelines around allegations of rape and domestic abuse runs the risk of becoming complicit in minimising violence against women.’
‘Ignoring it isn’t a neutral action – it has an effect,’ she added.
‘The way a club responds not only affects those involved and the message they get from the club, but also messages that fans received about what is acceptable. Clubs must implement guidelines for when players or employees are arrested, or allegations made.’
The player was previously held by police last July, after they visited his home in north London following the initial allegations.
Following his initial arrest, the player was later re-arrested on suspicion of additional allegations from April 2022 and June 2021, although the latter was dropped by police.
A statement from the Scotland Yard read: ‘On 4 July 2022, an allegation of rape of a woman in her 20s was reported to police. It was reported the alleged rape happened in June 2022.
‘On 4 July, a man was arrested at an address in Barnet on suspicion of rape and was taken into custody.
‘While in custody, he was further arrested on suspicion of two incidents of rape that were alleged to have been committed in April and June of 2021 against a different woman in her 20s.
‘In February 2023, the man was interviewed under caution for a sexual offence alleged to have taken place in Barnet in February 2022. This relates to a third victim and was reported to police in July 2022.’
The player’s bail has been extended until July 2023.